The index of consumer environment at the end of the year reached their absolute maximum for the entire period since 2005. Perhaps even more essential is that a second consecutive half it exceeds anything seen before. Like sustainability of its growth feeds the hopes for a stable change in the state and consumer attitudes, which could potentially lead to the long awaited 'unlock' of more active consumer behavior.For such a stable positive change is the fact that for two years in a row the index stands firmly above the baseline – 2005.
Trend analysis of change of the index shows that actually most troubled years during the crisis were those between 2008 and 2011. After 2011 - albeit with a number of variations, generally a process of raising the index and key year turns out to 2015 and that was the first year after the crisis, in which the index maintains very high.
Despite the positive reaction observed, there are some elements that bring an element of caution in forecasts for adequate rapid change in actual consumer behavior, from which arise and visibly change in the activity of the economy as a whole. Registered, for example, that the most significant positive change is in the indicator for the assessment of citizens in sufficiency income of their household. Indeed, uniquely reduction was registered in the group of consumers who declare that their current income is not enough to supply even the most necessary things. However, almost unchanged - a share of nearly half of all remains the group of those who consider that their income is enough only for necessities. There are signs of visible dissolution of the gap between the layers with the lowest and highest financial opportunities. It should be noted also that with one of the most sensitive contributions to the growth of the index is component to the future direction (and not - actually present) - forecasts for the development of personal income in the coming months.
As much as conventions have however change in consumer index, the main thing is its stabilizing in a very high level.
The data are from a national representative for the adult population of the country market research conducted by Progress Consult in December 2015 among 1049 citizens of the country.
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